Lifelines is a podcast and a book

When we – that’s Malcolm Doney and Martin Wroe – came up with a book called Lifelines, we were looking to find the poetry in living a good life.

Our book won over quite a few people and it’s still ticking over… without, yet, paying any of our bills. 

It led to a podcast, for forty days (actually forty eight), through the ancient season of Lent, a time when people try to reimagine their lives. Try to make them up again and start over.

Every day, a clue from our book on living a good life –  hints and hunches rather than instructions or directives.

About how we make good decisions.  Or find a way to forgive. About what prayer is… or how we face loss. About justice, about love, about the common good. 

Another way of seeing… which is what the poet does. Which is what gave us the idea for a second podcast series.

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Lifelines Season Two: A Poem To Save the Day  

From Wednesday February 26th 2020. A poem a day through Lent.  A poem read by the poet and followed with a moments reflection on where the poem came from … and where it's going.

Wendy Cope, Padraig O’Tuama, Rachel Mann, Anthony Wilson, Harry Baker, Veronica Zundel, Michael Leunig… some of the people taking part.

A small inspiration for the day or provocation – or simply the poet’s sideways glance at life.

Six, seven, eight minutes.  Every day. For forty (or so…) days. Tune in as you wake up or wait for the bus… as you make the coffee or finally hit the sack.

Raising consciousness – because that’s what Alice Walker called poetry. A kind of prayer – how Samuel Beckett saw the poem. A poem to save the day – or just open the aperture wider.  

Find all the episodes on our website, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.